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The percentage of a family's household income distributed into different categories Pie Chart

 Q.  The pie chart below shows the percentage of a family's household income distributed into different categories. Describe the pie chart in 150 words. (R.B-2015)
Pie Chart

Ans. Here, the pie chart shows the percentage of a family's household income distributed into different categories. We see that 25% of the total income of the family is spent on food while 13% on clothes. Educational expenses in the family consume 22% of the total income. 5% is spent on power, that is, electricity. Transport expenses consume 12% of the total income of the family. 8% is spent on other things. And finally, 15% of the income is saved. Thus, the expenses on various things show the family to be a good family, which spends its income in a reasonable way on different matters. It spends the highest amount of money on food. Its second highest amount of total income is spent on education. This indicates that the family puts importance on education. Its saving is not negligible at all.

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